Monday, December 2, 2013

Language Post

      This experiment was easy, however sometimes communicating your thoughts in a coherent way was difficult. At first when I was not aloud to speak, write, or use sign language to talk it was difficult to communicate complex ideas. I had to use hand gestures and act things out when I wanted to say something. This led to some pretty funny interpretations of what I was trying to say. I noticed that my partners changed the way they talked to me, instead of saying things that would lead to a conversation they worded things in a way where I could give a simple "yes" or "no" answer by nodding my head, or made it simple enough to where I could just point to convey my thoughts. If me and my partners represented two different cultures, my partners definitely had the advantage in their ability to communicate complex ideas. It is nearly impossible to convey a complex thought without speaking. The speaking culture might have the attitude that the culture that only uses symbolic language is not as intelligent as themselves. Immigrants in our country can have difficulty communicating in English if they are not used to speaking it in the country they are from. This means that people who do speak to them in English must make their sentences simple, and rely on hand gestures to make their thoughts easier to understand. This does not mean the immigrants are stupid. It takes a lot of time to understand the complexities of the English language, and you wouldn't speak the same to a person who is just learning English compared to someone who has spoke it their whole life.
      I did not make it the full 15 minutes without using physical embellishments. For the most part I only used speech with no emphasis on my tone of voice. My partners were making fun of me because I was so monotone with what I was saying. It was just the words coming out with no emotion behind them. It was easier to communicate only using speech then only using hang gestures. However, I had to add a lot more words to my sentences then I usually would. Instead of pointing to where something was I had to describe it very well so that I could be understood. This experiment made me realize that non speech language is very important to adding depth to our communication. Everyday we use a mixture of verbal and non verbal communication in our speech. If you take one out of the equation speech becomes difficult and in some cases makes it so you cannot communicate some ideas. There probably are people who have difficulties in picking up on the subtleties of body language. Reading body language is important because people do not always mean what they say. Body language allows you to pick up on sarcasm as well as other things. It also allows you to pick up on sarcasm as well as other things. It also makes a person able to communicate some thoughts when silence is necessary. Such as when soldiers use body language to communicate their strategies when verbal communication could alert the enemy to their presence. I cannot think of a situation where being able to read body language could be detrimental to a person.  


  1. Hey Cody,
    I agree with you.Effective communication that keeps people interested depends on more than just the spoken word.It was very difficult to express myself without words. Like you, I experienced some funny interpretations, but when all the fun was gone it because frustrating.

    The second part, with the monotone voice was a great eye opener to me. I was never aware how much I use my voice, tone, volume, facial expressions or gestures to communicate. I made it the full 15 minutes as I was still able to speak. It was just boring as heck. I did not make it through 15 minutes in the first task though.

    I appreciate you writing up the sign language that soldiers use. Not using language only works, if the gestures are commonly known and understood. I agree with you 100%. If you read my blog you will see the one hand gesture my girlfriends all got and complied with.

    When I read the assignment I thought it was an easy one and who knew how difficult it could be to not communicate or gesture for 15 minutes each? I sure did not.

    Liked reading your blog.

  2. Good opening description and great analysis and discussion regarding the two opposing cultures.

    "This does not mean the immigrants are stupid."

    Absolutely correct so why do humans tend to assume that the inability to communicate easily is associated with a lack of intelligence? Why do we jump to that conclusion?

    Very good description of your second experiment.

    Can you think of a specific group of people who are unable to read body language, due to a physical condition or disability?

    With regard to a benefit to NOT reading body language, can you imagine any situations where body language might mislead you? Hint: Do all cultures use the same system of body language?

    Other than these last two points, good post.

  3. Hello Cody, seems we have gotten similar response when we used symbolic language. I think that because we use such a heavy combination of both body language and symbolic speech that not using one or the other provokes harsh response. It is in my personal experience that in this country especially, people cling to the status quo and can respond very sensitively to change. I believe that tone of voice, hand gestures, and written communication have become used so often that we undervalue there usefulness. Also I liked your point about sarcasm, being able to decipher messages is vital to successful communication because misinterpreting information can cause very large issues.

  4. Hello Cody, you hit a really good point in not being able to communicate complex ideas. I actually had an easier time communicating with my husband only using gestures as he was able to read my facial expressions a lot easier. I think this was because we have over 12 years together so he knows my expressions very well. I found it more difficult to communicate verbally with no facial expressions because I rely on my tone of voice and facial expressions to communicate my feelings.
